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Festival Adjudications - Virtual Options


There are several ways we as adjudicators can be involved and support your festival. The situation regarding performances and rehearsal restrictions is changing all the time. It is vital to keep festivals alive and inspire those who are desperate to perform.

GODA is here to support in these challenging times, we are willing to adapt to suit your festival, and negotiate fees in this unprecedented situation.

There are several options you might want to consider if you want your festival to go ahead. We can adapt to suit your needs.

A live performance by Zoom could be watched by your adjudicator. This would be followed by a live adjudication and conversation with the cast and director.

Performances could be recorded and sent to the adjudicator, then a zoom meeting could be arranged for the adjudication. Another alternative would be a concise written report, which would be emailed within a few days of receiving the recording.

A peripatetic festival is another option, the adjudicator attending live performances of each play over an agreed period. Adjudications could be given after each performance.

Gala Award Evenings can be transmitted live. This would include a summary of the festival and the results announced in the usual way.

All these options are flexible and can be adapted ...and there may be other ways you think we can help so don't be afraid to join the conversation.

Details of our adjudicators can be accessed by clicking onto the Members section on the website

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