Colin Dolley
Council Member
Admitted to GoDA 1983
53 Thames Meadow
Walton Lane
TW17 8LT
Qualifications and Experience
London University Certificate in Speech and Drama
Scottish Assn. of Speech and Drama Adjudicators
Author (with Rex Walford) of “The One-Act Play Companion” (published by A&C Black in 2006)
Chairman of the Drama Consortium
Chief judge for the Annual National Drama Festivals Association Playwriting Competition
Judge of the Annual Isle of Man new Play-writing Competition.
Local / District / Divisional / Area / National / International
N.D.F.A. All-Winners. FEATS (European Festival)
Recent Adjudications
Bristol One Act Festival - (21-24 February)
RAFTA Drama Festival - (May)
Henley Drama Festival - (7-13 May)
Bromley Full-Length Festival - (Various dates)
Sedgefield Drama Festival
Plockton South West Ross District
Chief Judge for the All Winners Playwriting Competition
Chairman of the Annual Drama Consortium
Judge of the Isle of Man New Playwriting Competition
Other Information
Former Chairman of the Guild.
Prepared to travel and stay overnight